San Francisco Marathon

San Francisco Marathon

Social media might look easy. Even a child can do it, right?  If you are using social media to market your business, think again.  There is a lot to think about and it is not child’s play.  Here are 10 important things to consider in managing your social media presence:

(1) Have a Plan – The best thing to do is have a marketing plan that includes social media and has set goals and objectives.  Social media is not an island.

(2) Bigger is not Better – Finding and keeping the “right” followers is far more important than racking up big numbers of followers.  Your goal is to find your target audience and engage them – moving them toward a goal and objective.

(3) Create an Online Persona and Stick to It – You have expertise than can be described in five words – what are they?  If your expertise is local plants/flowers, talk around this subject on your social media pages and stick to it.  Your followers value your authentic voice and expect to find content related to your main subject.

(4) This is a conversation, not a soliloquy  – The genius of social media is you can engage your customers (followers) in conversation and learn from them as well as share.  Remember to ask questions and ask for opinions.

(5)  Post Content Regularly to All Your Pages – Posting daily is best and try varying the times your post to see when your followers respond the most.  Don’t forget about weekends.

(6)  Your Social Media Pages Are Your Storefront – Would you tolerate a misspelled word on your store window or sign?  Then don’t let it happen online!  Proof read all your content before posting.  I recommend writing original content offline and posting as needed.

(7)  Measure Your Progress – Pay attention to what your followers respond to online.  Look at the analytics for your pages.  There are also online tools available to monitor and measure your progress.

(8)  Keep Your Cool Online – Don’t take the defensive with a negative comment.  There are plenty of cranky people out there and you are bound to bump in to one.  Be your gracious self on line.  This could be your moment to rise and shine above it all.

(9)  Social Media is Not Free – Would you make a 17 year old CEO?  Then why would you consider putting them in charge of your business’s online presence?   Social media used as a marketing tool takes thought, creativity and savvy – oh and time (lots of it).  The average social media manager spends 10-15 hours per week per client.

(10)  This is a Marathon, Not a Sprint – When it comes to social media, you have to think long term.  Build, build, build.  Remember, Rome was not build in a day, so don’t give up!

-Judy Ault is public relations consultant in Birmingham, AL.   Follow @judyprgirl on Twitter.